Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How to make Logandale better

The way you can make Logandale Middle school a better place where a lot of students will want to come and be in the school and stay in the school is first making the school bigger second making some free time or more field trips. Last thing that they should make for students to come too this school is by having better food. That’s what the school 3 things they should improve. That’s how maybe they will get more students to come and to stay in this school.

One way students will want to come to Logandale is by making it bigger the school because it’s small and looks kind of crappy because once I went to anther school for summer school it was big . I felt excited because it was big there where places of the school I wanted to explore you feel excited and if the school is bigger that means the gym is bigger to play sports and the classroom are bigger. There a lot of middle schools that are big and full of students because probably they have bigger everything like I say the lunch room is bigger and hallways and well you don’t feel all crowded because there’s a lot of space and when you enter thought the door there’s a lot room and your not crowded went you enter Logandale middle school is always full in the mornings to enter because there’s only one security that checks and that takes a lot of the time and makes you enter class tardy. That’s one way Logandale can improve and probably the chances of getting more students coming to this school is going to be yes.

Second way is that Logandale middle school should make more field trips but to Washington D.C or to six flags and if other students heard that we have those field trips they will want to come and Logandale could be full of students. I heard that other school that are middle schools have field trips too Washington D.C to go and see the white house and those school are full because students now they have those type of field trips and will want to go too that school and stay. Logandale don’t have any field trips at all I been in this school all my time and no field trips hade ever happen or hade been plan the only thing they have for a field trips is going too get your glasses and that’s boring that makes me want to change school for real because this school don’t even have field trips but if they did like every moth 2 or 3 field trips this school will be fill of student that want to come and that will make this school finally full again. That’s a second way Logandale will get more students and will be much fun and students will stay and not leave to other schools.

Last thing Logandale middle school can improve is at the food that probably will make students stay or come. The food Logandale middle school gives now is crappy food in the past went my cussing use to come to this school he say they hade good food pizza that are triangles and nachos that where bigger and a lot of cheese where in the nachos and more good food. This school now gives that crappy pizza that is a box that gives Elementary schools and it tasted not good now the nachos are really small with little cheese on them and plus sometimes for the last class there no more food the only thing there is crappy cheese sandwich that tasted not good. That makes the student go tell there parents to change them from this school to another because of the food is not good at all and probably the parents will heard them and change too another school and probably they have better lunch that Logandale middle school . That’s why Logandale middle should improve their lunch by having better food and making the lunch room bigger.

In conclusion that’s how Logandale middle school should improve at making the school bigger so that students will feel excited. Second the school should have more field trips to other places and that will make students come and stay at this school because having these field trips the school is not boring no more is more excited. Last thing this school should have is better food because they have crappy food right now if they have better food that will make the students stay at this school and not leave to another school. Logandale middle school should make those improvements and that will make students come to this school and stay and that will make this school to not close or too teachers to loose their jobs at Logandale middle school.

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