Thursday, March 19, 2009

Her mystorious death

Her death was due to mysterious circumstance I was assigned to the case. It was one day that i was in vacation at Ecuador 10/3/94 i receive a phone call at 3:55 pm from a well know customer that always had my service because he pay good money and i was a detective he say that he Had a little job for me to solve the death of his wife Maria because he contact allot of detectives but non had solve his mystery and he had fate that i could solve his mystery. That day i pack all my stuff and left Ecuador and i was on my way to New York city Queens i arrived their 10/3/94 where he live and the house his wife died he receive me with a big party with important people at that party we discuss how much money i was going to get pay and he offer me 2 million dollars just enough to live a long live without working and i accepted the offer he say i start next weak so he just say lets celebrate with some beer so we did and next weak i started to work for him so he call his guard an brought like 20 cases fill with money i was really happy to see all that money but i knew i had to work hard and solve that case. The day came i got my tools all ready and help from my best friend Oscar i also pay him good money and plus i took some body guards in case somebody try kill me because i had that much money on me we arrived at the house 10/11/94 at 7:00 am and the boss was outside opening the gates to let me in with my guards.

The boss left the house he say he will be back that he is going to leave the house to me for 3 Weeks so he gave me the keys and plus a tip he left with his trucks and guards so i Had the whole house to search with no problems my friend Oscar was amazed to see a big house with allot of values he was excited but i told him we are not hear to see or take a break we are in a mission and he say OK so we look at the room she died in it was a big room that had a pool in it and sharp things like some swords and collections of pocket knifes and paintings of expense artist work. I collected all the swords took them to my lavatory check fro DNA and found that the boss had hold them before and his wife DNA also had hold the swords but did not had blood on them so i put the swords back i took some of the water of the pool and got DNA results it seem that his wife was swimming in the pool with her husband that was my boss because the DNA show that he was in the pool with her and the water has not been change so i found some information important that my boss was there with her wife so i started to think his husband kill her but i was like Na because why he will want to know who kill his wife.

Two weeks past still no information i got the only think i found it is about the pool bu then i say to my self to check all the paintings there where like hundred of painting but one was really big and heavy i need it 10 body guards to remove the big painting of a painting of his wife. There was a small door that had like a lock in it so i opened it using special tools it took me like 5 hours i finally opened it and found a letter with a gun and the letter said the reason i kill my wife is because she was kissing another guy and cheating on him so that night when they finish been in the pool he took out the gun and shoot her in the head and burn her body so nobody can find it and the sins of the burned are in a jar that looks like a cookie jar so ran down the kitchen and found a jar open it and it was smelling and the burned body sins where there so actually the boss kill her then i say to myself he is sick man to do that. He was in the back of me with a evil smile pointing me with a gun and saying the words well you solve the mystery and now is time you also leave this world and i was like saying your a sick man he say nothing and the my friend Oscar shoot him in the harm and well he drop the gun too the floor and then i call the police and i solve the mystery and well i show the evidence to the police who kill his wife and i told them he kill his own wife hear the proof the letter that say that and the gun he use and plus the sins of his wife in a cookie jar. I solved the case my boss ended at jail for the rest of his life because he kill his own wife and then he was crazy why will you kill your own wife and then try to figure out who kill her so he was sick and plus i had the 2 million dollars and well now the mission ended is time to celebrate.

1 comment:

  1. you copy me in the begiining
    also your story dosent make sense at the end
