My named is Hansel well i am the boy well my family is poor and don't have money to buy us food for me and my sister her named is Gretel one night my parents where talking in their room but i was awake so i heard their conversation of them planing to leave us in the forest and get rid of us i say to my self this parents are the worst in the world and crazy. So the next day came well i knew was going to happen so i grad some shinning rocks and put them in my pocket well they where saying allot of stuff to us and gave us some bread to eat when we get hungry so i grab the shinning rocks and threw them in the floor and mark my trail so i can go home mu my dad and step mom did not knew i was marking the trail so i was one step ahead of them. We finally got to the forest well they lighted some fired for us to warm they say to wait but i knew there where going to leave us there so i was not dumb so when the night came and the shinning moon spark in the sky i told my sister to wake up a

Nd lets go home i was smiling because i say to myself they thought there going to fool me i know what was happening so i was prepare for anything we follow the rocks and finally go home my dad open the door he was surprised and the same time he was kinda mad that we found the way to come home but my step mom was really surprised she was like lying saying by did you fell asleep in the forest but i was ignoring her so i when up to my room to try to sleep but again i had a weird feeling it was true my parents again where going to take us again to the forest and this time for good they where going to get rid off us so again i try to when outside to Colet more rocks to mark the trail again but they lock the door so cannot get rocks so i was like saying god help us !!! find are way home. The next day came they woke us hope in the morning and say lets go again to the forest and find more wood so we did but this time they gave us a little piece of bred since i did not had no more rocks to mark the trail i use little pieces of bread to mark the path so i did we go to the forest but this time it was more deeper and harder to find the way home they set up a fired again and say wait Will be back where going to get some fired wood so again they same thing happen but one thing when wrong the path i made to go back home the birds ate it all and the path was gone i did no how to come home again. I told my sister sooner or later will find the way home we walk 2 hour's and nothing we where more lost then ever into we found this house made of food and candy we ran to it and started to eat it all up t was yummy and tasty then the owner of that house came out to see Wat's happening she saw us and grad our hands and told us she ain't gonna harm
us at all so we went inside her house she gave us allot of food to eat and 2 beds where there so we went to sleep for a while. Next thing you know that old lady was which and was going to eat me she put me in a cage and told my sister to cook and cook so i cant get more fatter so i was eating and more i got really fat my sister was crying because she was getting ready the hot pot to cook me but then my sister got smart and ask that which is the oven big enough for him she say of course look even fit there the which but her head in the oven well my sister push her in and well she was burn to death. My sister got the keys and open the cage i was free we look all over the house for stuff we found jewels and some value stuff we where happy because finally we got rid of the which and had some stuff to sell to get some money. Finally we found our home and well my dad was there he was happy to see us and he say that are step mother died i was happy because i did not like her at all everything was normal again and finally i could rest and live happy.
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