Monday, March 30, 2009

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

It's was one day it was a summer season a afternoon i was the family member that died i just always came to see my family because i miss them a lot. I saw them sad and well my son Brian was hungry all the time because he always like to eat non stopping and my other son Robin seen sad since the day i died because he did not spent allot of time with me because i was in the civil war defending the country. My daughter Gabriela always like animals and her favorite animal was a horse she always want to feed the horse but her mom would not let her because she was afraid that the horse will attack her or bite but my daughter Gabriela always got mad because they would not let her feed the horse or get close at it.

I saw my mother she was old she was slicing bread like always that keep her busy and she was pretty healthy because she still was alive for her age she was always happy because she like life. My wife Sonia was a really busy person since the day i died because she had to do farm work since we did not had allot of money she could not hired workers to work on are land but she was smart since she saw that she could not work in all the land by herself she rented it to people she always had to do something like take care of the kids and take them to school so she had work non stopping in the house too. The place where we live was a big wooden house and we had a big farm to with a lot of animals my graveyard was like two blocks from the place where my family live so it was for me closed to visit them i just fly to blocks and enter the house to see my family.

The thing i always forget to talk about his are dog he is a cute strong dog and he always take care of the family by chancing away the robbers or people that try to steel stuff in the farm he was like the angel of the family. The house always smell like yummy food and pie and more i always like the smell but the bad thing is that i cannot eat because i am a ghost but just my smelling the food i felt like i was eating to. The day afternoon i got scared because my daughter Gabriela almost saw me and the law of a ghost is that if they see you then you can not longer get out of the graveyard so she almost saw me and i got scared and left the house really fast. Next time i go visit my family i have to be more careful so they cannot see me.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pet peeves

1touch my hair
2 loud noises
3 people that talk to much
4 when i am in a car an there traffic
5 people touch your stuff with out permission
6 waiting in line
7 going to the hospital
8 I don't like lyers
9 I don't like the smell of fish
10 When they turn of my music off
11 When they ask me to much question
12 I don't like to sleep early
13 I don't like jealous people
14 I don't like to go too summer school
15 I don't like to walk allot
16 I don't like when they wake me up early in the mornings
17 I hate people snore
18 I hate people that are drunk in party
19 I don't like when people brag allot
20 I don't like people that treat you like if you where dumb
21 I don't like people that think they no more then you and always say your wrong
22 I hate when my computer goes slow
23 I hate to much homework
24 I hate to be in my house all day
25 I hate when my parents don't let me go outside or to the store or be with my friends

Monday, March 23, 2009

The secret

It was my best friend dippiest darkest secret and it would be a hard one to keep it was one day that we where in the park playing soccer an one of my friend told me a secret about that when he was a little boy his dad died and that the dad he has is not his real dad is a step father and he told me to not tell anybody and i say don't worry i will keep the secret. Weeks pass and i have not told nobody his secret it was going well and my friend trust me more because he saw that i keep secret and was a real good friend he told me then he strated to tell me more and more secrets and i knew more stuff. One day i was talking to my other friends and suddenly i almost toll him my friend secret about that his dad is not his dad he is just a step father and that his real dad died but i remember what he say to keep it a secret so i did not say nothing.

One day i was with my other best friend in the house playing some videos games in the xbox we strated talking and talking and eventually i told him about my best friend secret about his dad how he died and the dad was not his real one that he has a step dad my best friend went and told my other friend's. Eventually my best friend found out that i told his secret because my other friends where talking about it we where no more friends but like enemies for a long time. Then i went a say sorry to him by telling him his secret about his dad and other secrets he told me about his girlfriend and more that i told my friends and then he accepted the sorry but this time he did not trust me allot and did not tell me his secrets no more but for me it was good that he did not told me his secret because there where hard to keep. The best thing to do when you have a best friend is not telling them all your secrets because you never no when they can tell your secret to another person.

The secret

It was my best friend dippiest darkest secret and it would be a hard one to keep it was one day that we where in the park playing soccer an one of my friend told me a secret about that when he was a little boy his dad died and that the dad he has is not his real dad is a step father and he told me to not tell anybody and i say don't worry i will keep the secret. Weeks pass and i have not told nobody his secret it was going well and my friend trust me more because he saw that i keep secret and was a real good friend he told me then he strated to tell me more and more secrets and i knew more stuff. One day i was talking to my other friends and sudenly i almost toll him my friend secret abou that his dad is not his dad he is just a step father and that his real dad died but i rembember what he say to keep it a secret so i did not say nothing.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Her mystorious death

Her death was due to mysterious circumstance I was assigned to the case. It was one day that i was in vacation at Ecuador 10/3/94 i receive a phone call at 3:55 pm from a well know customer that always had my service because he pay good money and i was a detective he say that he Had a little job for me to solve the death of his wife Maria because he contact allot of detectives but non had solve his mystery and he had fate that i could solve his mystery. That day i pack all my stuff and left Ecuador and i was on my way to New York city Queens i arrived their 10/3/94 where he live and the house his wife died he receive me with a big party with important people at that party we discuss how much money i was going to get pay and he offer me 2 million dollars just enough to live a long live without working and i accepted the offer he say i start next weak so he just say lets celebrate with some beer so we did and next weak i started to work for him so he call his guard an brought like 20 cases fill with money i was really happy to see all that money but i knew i had to work hard and solve that case. The day came i got my tools all ready and help from my best friend Oscar i also pay him good money and plus i took some body guards in case somebody try kill me because i had that much money on me we arrived at the house 10/11/94 at 7:00 am and the boss was outside opening the gates to let me in with my guards.

The boss left the house he say he will be back that he is going to leave the house to me for 3 Weeks so he gave me the keys and plus a tip he left with his trucks and guards so i Had the whole house to search with no problems my friend Oscar was amazed to see a big house with allot of values he was excited but i told him we are not hear to see or take a break we are in a mission and he say OK so we look at the room she died in it was a big room that had a pool in it and sharp things like some swords and collections of pocket knifes and paintings of expense artist work. I collected all the swords took them to my lavatory check fro DNA and found that the boss had hold them before and his wife DNA also had hold the swords but did not had blood on them so i put the swords back i took some of the water of the pool and got DNA results it seem that his wife was swimming in the pool with her husband that was my boss because the DNA show that he was in the pool with her and the water has not been change so i found some information important that my boss was there with her wife so i started to think his husband kill her but i was like Na because why he will want to know who kill his wife.

Two weeks past still no information i got the only think i found it is about the pool bu then i say to my self to check all the paintings there where like hundred of painting but one was really big and heavy i need it 10 body guards to remove the big painting of a painting of his wife. There was a small door that had like a lock in it so i opened it using special tools it took me like 5 hours i finally opened it and found a letter with a gun and the letter said the reason i kill my wife is because she was kissing another guy and cheating on him so that night when they finish been in the pool he took out the gun and shoot her in the head and burn her body so nobody can find it and the sins of the burned are in a jar that looks like a cookie jar so ran down the kitchen and found a jar open it and it was smelling and the burned body sins where there so actually the boss kill her then i say to myself he is sick man to do that. He was in the back of me with a evil smile pointing me with a gun and saying the words well you solve the mystery and now is time you also leave this world and i was like saying your a sick man he say nothing and the my friend Oscar shoot him in the harm and well he drop the gun too the floor and then i call the police and i solve the mystery and well i show the evidence to the police who kill his wife and i told them he kill his own wife hear the proof the letter that say that and the gun he use and plus the sins of his wife in a cookie jar. I solved the case my boss ended at jail for the rest of his life because he kill his own wife and then he was crazy why will you kill your own wife and then try to figure out who kill her so he was sick and plus i had the 2 million dollars and well now the mission ended is time to celebrate.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How to make Logandale better

The way you can make Logandale Middle school a better place where a lot of students will want to come and be in the school and stay in the school is first making the school bigger second making some free time or more field trips. Last thing that they should make for students to come too this school is by having better food. That’s what the school 3 things they should improve. That’s how maybe they will get more students to come and to stay in this school.

One way students will want to come to Logandale is by making it bigger the school because it’s small and looks kind of crappy because once I went to anther school for summer school it was big . I felt excited because it was big there where places of the school I wanted to explore you feel excited and if the school is bigger that means the gym is bigger to play sports and the classroom are bigger. There a lot of middle schools that are big and full of students because probably they have bigger everything like I say the lunch room is bigger and hallways and well you don’t feel all crowded because there’s a lot of space and when you enter thought the door there’s a lot room and your not crowded went you enter Logandale middle school is always full in the mornings to enter because there’s only one security that checks and that takes a lot of the time and makes you enter class tardy. That’s one way Logandale can improve and probably the chances of getting more students coming to this school is going to be yes.

Second way is that Logandale middle school should make more field trips but to Washington D.C or to six flags and if other students heard that we have those field trips they will want to come and Logandale could be full of students. I heard that other school that are middle schools have field trips too Washington D.C to go and see the white house and those school are full because students now they have those type of field trips and will want to go too that school and stay. Logandale don’t have any field trips at all I been in this school all my time and no field trips hade ever happen or hade been plan the only thing they have for a field trips is going too get your glasses and that’s boring that makes me want to change school for real because this school don’t even have field trips but if they did like every moth 2 or 3 field trips this school will be fill of student that want to come and that will make this school finally full again. That’s a second way Logandale will get more students and will be much fun and students will stay and not leave to other schools.

Last thing Logandale middle school can improve is at the food that probably will make students stay or come. The food Logandale middle school gives now is crappy food in the past went my cussing use to come to this school he say they hade good food pizza that are triangles and nachos that where bigger and a lot of cheese where in the nachos and more good food. This school now gives that crappy pizza that is a box that gives Elementary schools and it tasted not good now the nachos are really small with little cheese on them and plus sometimes for the last class there no more food the only thing there is crappy cheese sandwich that tasted not good. That makes the student go tell there parents to change them from this school to another because of the food is not good at all and probably the parents will heard them and change too another school and probably they have better lunch that Logandale middle school . That’s why Logandale middle should improve their lunch by having better food and making the lunch room bigger.

In conclusion that’s how Logandale middle school should improve at making the school bigger so that students will feel excited. Second the school should have more field trips to other places and that will make students come and stay at this school because having these field trips the school is not boring no more is more excited. Last thing this school should have is better food because they have crappy food right now if they have better food that will make the students stay at this school and not leave to another school. Logandale middle school should make those improvements and that will make students come to this school and stay and that will make this school to not close or too teachers to loose their jobs at Logandale middle school.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Klever Gavilanez life story

Well i know Klever Gavilanez since Oct, 2, 1994 he was born in that date in the hospital at 9:45pm, he was a good looking baby and healthy no health problems i saw him take his first steps at 9 months old and i saw him talk his first word at age 1 year old. When he was 5 year old he whent to New York city to visit his family he was shy at first but then he knew them more and was no more shy he came back to Chicago to go too, school kindergarden he was not scared to go too school he was a fast learner he learn how to write and read at kindergarde and do some math. His favorite cartoons where the simpsons and billy and mandy where his 2 favorite cartoons to see every day and he like to eat fish and alot type of food at that age he did not like too see soccer because he did not get it or understand the rules of the game at that time he always was outside playing with some kids that use too live in the neigthborhood every afternoon and always came tired and took a bath. At age 8 he whent againg to New York for vacations he came happy because he saw alot of places at New York he did not now like he whent too the beach of long island in New york he said that the water was really salty because some water got in his mouth then he whent too times square and he saw big buildings and alot of people walking fast and at age 8 he like to see and play soccer his favorite team was el America. at age 11 every weakan he whent too the lake with his dad to go see how they play soccer and swim and chill till night and at the age he joing in a soccer team name Troncal at the lake and he always whent too the movies every weakan or friday's. At age 12 well his life was still the same and normal and alot of fun he knew basicly all chicago because his dad teach him the streets and how to get there at age 13 he whent too New york and that time he wasted $2000 dollars in eating in restaurant going to alot of places and buying stuff he did not need at all at this age he was wasting alot of money buying expense shoes and clothes and for the first time he whent to the Mexican party they have every year at Cicero and then he use to go too the lake every weakan of the summer and plus he hang out with his friends playing soccer or going too the movies and when it came winter he whent too the school prosser because at that place every weakan they have soccer indoor and his cussin team place there so he go there too see how is cussin team plays and at the chrismas he did not get nothing because he already wasted alot of mony going too New York. finally he is 14 well so far he whent too the movies last weak and was in the phone the whole day and this weak he whent to see his cussin team win the semi finals so they can go too the finals but they lost and now Klever Gavilanez is at school right now doing work.