Friday, April 17, 2009

Curious case of benjamin button chapter 8-to end

Family: I learn that family treated you bad when you are younger and older because they think you don't know anything or have much power of saying. The other way i learn in family is sometimes they don't care about you or take care of you like in the story the son told his young father to do that and act this way and did not accepted him that way he was. third thing i learn is that when you get older or younger they don't take of you they pay a babysitter or put you in old people house to take of you and only visit you when they can. That's what i learn about family in this story.

Age: In the story age does matter if your old they treated you like he is ugly and in the story like he was born old he did not like to play with toys or eat baby food instead he read encyclopedias and smoke. Then when he got like in the 30 and 25 they treated him with respect and admired him he got the collage girls and parties and he did not like his wife because she was old and not attractive or like to party. The age younger he got they lost there respect form him even his son did not longer respect him he did not had power of saying or doing stuff. Age in the story does matter and makes a difference how people treated you and behave.

Beauty: In the story beauty matter's because when he was born old people where scared of him and treated him like if he was a monster and doctors run away when they saw him. Since he started to get more younger and that meant he strated to look more younger and beauty they forgot when he was just born that he was old then he attract the young girls of collage and of course in the story show if your married and your wife or husband are old you loose interest of him or she. Then last in story show when you hit the age when your a baby basically they hired a Nana to take care of you because they don't have time or don't want to.

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