Friday, February 20, 2009

A skill everybody needs

The skill everybody needs to know is how to read because when you go apply for a job they will give you a paper that is a application if you cannot read how are you going to know how much money are you getting pay in the job or know if you get pay for vacations if you cannot read the chances you will find a job is pretty hard.This subject everybody knows it is in the world and too get this skill you have to go to school and if you dont know how to read then your life is mess up.This skill is also use for the streets names like for example you are looking for a street and to find that you have too read the signs that are in the post of the streets if you cannot read then you cannot find the street because you have to read to find it.REading is important because when you get a contract you have to read to know whats happening or what is the deal.Thats why reading is a important skill in our lifes and the world.

Reading is use for jobs application in order to get that job you have to fill the application in any jobs if you cannot read then you problably wont get the job you just apply for.If you get the job chances are you are going to get fired because when you have a job you have to read sometimes like the menus or pappers they will give you to check and if you cannot read the owner will see thaT you dont have that skill and will fired you. This skill reading gives you the oppurnunity of getting a job but you dont know this skill then you will problably have not a chance of getting a job.All types of jobs include the skill reading like restaurant when you work there you have too read the menus to know what food they sell and you need to know how to read the labels in the food and if your a cook sometimes you have too read a book to know how to make that type of dish.This is one thing that this skill will give you if you dont know it then you will not get a job.

This skill reading also gives you the directions where are you going or where you whant to go.Like if your looking for a street and the only way to get there is by reading the signs that the street post have and if you cannot read then your chance of getting there is like mostly you will not get there and you will get lost.Reading is use for jobs and for directions this skill is important in our life and our world like if you are traveling to Mexico in car an your in the express way you have to read the big signs they have too see where you going if you cannot read insted of going to Mexico you proably will end up in a another place.This skill is always in our lifes no matter how much we ignore it or try too like for even you whant to go use a public washroom you have too read the signs too know which one is the girls bathroom or boys.

finally this skill gives us the power to read contracts like if you buy a house they give you a contract telling you how much you have to pay for rent and what are the deals that are in the house if you dont know how to read the contrac you will not know how much your going to pay the house per month.This skill also give you the chance to read the news and know what is happening in the world if you cannot read then how are you going to know whats happening too your community or the world.Thats why this skill is so important it informs you whats happening to you or is happeninng in the world or in the community you live in.

In conclusion this skill gives you the chance of getting a job because you need to know how to read the application.This skill gives you the power of getting to a place or dirrection your going.Finally this skill gives you the knowloge to read whats happening in the world or the community you live in and if you dont know this skill your life is pretty m uch mess up and will be hard for you to live.

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